Thursday, October 8, 2015

AGD Week #7

Peer reviews

These 7 weeks in Advanced Game design has been a litlle overwelming especially week 1 when we first played Warhammer. When we started working on the Lizardmen things got better for me and im not sure why yet. Ive been doing some research for my team the content team and in these past two weeks I did a little concepting. I think this has been a good first semester for me so far hopefully it can stay this way.

AGD Week #6

New beast of war

Over the weekend I worked on making new LizardMen Beast of War for 40k. My favorite one is the new Stegadons which are smaller smarter and faster then the original. It doesnt eat everything that invades his terroritory. Its heavily armored so it can take multple hits and the rider has a fully automatic posion crossbow or a crossbow or arrows made out of wraithbone. I want the new stegadon to be close to the size of this pentaceratops. Another beast I have been working on is The new horned ones they are smaller and have wings so they can pick up ground enemies and tear them in half with sheer force.

AGD Week #5

Vehicles / Flyers

I researched the fantasy Lizardmen vehicles and flyers over the weekend. There isn't many of them But the few there is are really cool. My favorite is the Stegadon, They are the most agressive and powerful creatures form Lustria. The Stegadon will eat anything that invades his territory, has a Bow on his Saddle, and He has a barbed tail that he swings.

AGD Week #4

Lizardmen Heroes

This week I gathered information on the fantasy Lizardmen heroes. Here are a couple of heroes that I found the most inetresting, the first hero is Lord Mazdamundi and the second hero is Lord Kroak. Mazmundi is the oldest living Slann,  he prevented every attack on the temple city, and he rides a Stegadon that eats any beast that gets in his way. Kroak is the first born slann, the most powerful magic user, and he is dead but his spirit still remains to give advice to other slann.

AGD Week #3

Lizard Men / Old Ones

This is the last week were playing warhammer. My team played with the Crimson slaughter again this week and we played exceptionally better this week kills wise, we killed a lot of the tyrannids near the end of the game due to a couple Lucky dice rolls. New races or continuing a race were pitched today and we choose the Lizardmen/Old ones. So over the weekend I did some research on the old Ones and they were the first and most powerful creatures. The Lizard men are the first created creatures by the old ones to fight the chaos.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

AGD week #2

Crimson Slaughter

This week I switched teams so I played with a new race called Crimson Slaughter.  I was more prepared this week from watching some videos about warhammer. I understood the importance of capturing obectives for  the victory points. We played against the Tyrannids, they used alot of tyrannids we so were kind of out numbered and there stragey was better then ours so we ended up with only 1 victory point.

AGD week #1

Intro to Warhammer

This was My first time playing warhammer and it was a very complex and lengthy game. I never played a board game that requires the amount of strategy warhammer does.  I really liked the amount of races we had to choose from but it seems next to impossible to know exactly how to use every race. The race my team used are very cool looking bugs called the Tyrannids. We had a really cool Tyrannid called Swarmlord that looked awesome and destroyed most of the enemies.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

week 16

       I learned a lot about designing and even a little bit of programming this semester. This is my first time doing any of this stuff and sometimes it got tough especially in game logic and problem solving  the flowchart, psuedo code, and the actual programming assignments were tough especially psuedo code. The coolest thing I made this semester is a volcano I made for my final project in CSG 100. overall this semester was tough and I know I have to work harder in the summer so I can do more things for my team and for my portfolio.

week 15

     Our team had presentations this week one for Cops 4 Kids and the other for Alternalien. The Cops 4 Kids presentation wasnt good enough but I learned some things from it like we should of added more games and we should of made sure the puzle worked. The Alternalien pitch was bitter sweet because our numbers weren't up to par, are age range was too small, and we should have added more pictures to the presentation.

week 14

           I finished the card for the Ice rescue game this week. I made it in illustrator like the first aid card I did. I made a deer's head for the center of the card it took a while to make because the edges of the antlers were really rough so I had zoom in really close and edit it little by little. Richard helped with this card he made a squirrel for it.

week 13

        I made a 3D nozzle for the fire fighter game. It was my first time making a 3d model in illustrator. it wasnt hard to make the nozzle 3d but it took awhile for me to get the nozzle shape right. It is in the game but I havent seen it in action yet.  

Week 12

     I finished part of the default loading screen for the game. I made the basketball, band-aids, puzzle peice, and fire hose. Suprisingly the puzzle piece was the hardest thing I made for the loading screen because I was trying to get the top part of the peice to stick out but the tool I was using couldnt make it look like a normal puzzle peice.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 11

     This week I made The card for the first aid game and Ive been putting the finshing touches on the loading screen. this card was fairly easy to make the blue and white gradient was the most difficult thing ot to do because the colors and the oval gradient wasnt working corectly until i found the opacity tool and the gradient shapes.

week 9

  This week I made the 2d lake for the Ice rescue game. I made the lake in Piskel. It is the first peice of pixel art I ever did. It was cool to make I think ill be using piskel a lot for future games.

week 8

We started our new projects and we got the cops 4 kids game. Im working on the ice rescue team were going to make a new mini game that uses the same script as the basketball game. the goal of the game is to save as many animals as possible. I think there will be a minimum amount of animals to save and if u reach that goal u will recieve a ice rescue card

week 7

   I finished the project this week with the cut scenes and audio. I didnt do much for the audio but i did a lot for the cut scenes. In the actual cut scene scene in unity they work perfectly but when I load the game scene they dont work at all I dont know why i have this problem.

week 5

     This week I worked on the evil robot guards. It was cool to put an actual enemy in the game. It was confusing with all the diffrent prefabs I had to use for one prefab. The first time i killed the robot guard it didnt explode but I checked the inpector and I seen had the wrong dead copper in the prefab.

week 4

       This week I fixed the script for the start menu completed the game over screen, and set up laser traps. The laser traps were pretty cool to set up It took me a while to get everything lined up  so it would fit perfectly. The game over screen was pretty easy and the start menu script was a easy fix as well.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 10

Last week I made the lake but I messed up. it looks more like a beach then like a lake animals actualluy get stuck in. So I made some changes to the lake and I added an Island to it.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Week 6

      This week I worked on copper spawn and I fixed the dead lerpz prefab situation. The copper spawn is by far the hardest task of this whole project. the other coppers I set around the map arent working like the first one , they wont attack or move. and the original copper wont respawn like it should when i get a certain distance from it.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Week 2

     The lerpz project is going pretty good so far I ran into a couple of errors so far but I fixed them pretty easily.  But ive been working on health pick ups, fuel cell pick ups and respawn points. I learned that in the inspector you can change your inital respawn point and u can also change the value of the pick ups too

week 3

      Since week 2 I've finished the jump pads, Gui, and I've started on completing the Start menu.getting the jump pads too work was easy but getting the right height for the jump pad was kinda tough. The Gui was easy work too but it made the game look better. I'm having some problems with the start screen I  think i messed up a script.

Week 1

       The first week I started the lerpz project I did a couple of the task in class but the coolest one was making the jet pack work. The particle emitter is a key component to the jet pack because it produces a lot of flame pictueres over and over agin so it can look like an ctual flame.I also learned what a prefab,  asset, component, and game object means.